Clothing Care Brand Case Study
$0/month to $100,000/month on Amazon in 10 months

Clothing Care Brand
Health & Household
Services AMZ Growth Experts Provided:
Listing Creation and Optimization, Sponsored Ad Creation and Optimization, Product Configuration, Inventory Management, Customer Message Sequencing, Review Acquisition
The Challenge
Establish a presence on Amazon in a highly competitive category
When we first started working with them, they were a relatively new brand that was focusing exclusively on non-Amazon channels. They were reluctant to offer their products for sale on Amazon for fear that the Amazon sales would cannibalize their other sales channels and that they would lose control of their customers to Amazon. They also did not want to compete with huge established brands in their product category like Tide. After talking over growth strategies with us, theydecided to start small on Amazon, offering only one of their products for sale. After that product gained momentum on Amazon, they decided to list a few more of their products for sale, and eventually, almost all of them. In 10 months, we approached the $100,000/month mark in Amazon sales (and are still growing). Theirsuccess on Amazon has had little, if any, negative impact on their non-Amazon sales. Conversely, by taking advantage of non-brand specific customer searches, we have used Amazon to acquire new customers for their brandwho probably never would have otherwise heard of them.
The Results
The Growth Breakdown After 6 Months
Increase In Revenue
Increase In Overall Sales
Increase In Customer Base
After 6 months AMZ Growth Experts increased their Amazon revenue by 4987%, increased their overall sales 54%, and grew their customer base by 37%.